Clean (And Profitable) Data: Getting Your Message Across

Data gets everywhere these days; it’s the lifeblood of business but it can be an unwieldy beast.  Some firms will have spent many years building up their own customer contact database while others will be just starting out.  The problem with data, in this rapidly changing world, is that not only do contact channels seem… Continue reading Clean (And Profitable) Data: Getting Your Message Across

Rugged Hard Disks

Data Storage and Data Protection has become the necessity in the today’s world. Many would definitely prefer storing on cloud but how about if you got some important files worth of hundreds of gigabytes? Security and cost to it is your major concern then how can you overcome with it? The only solution to it… Continue reading Rugged Hard Disks

Five Significant Levels of RAID Hard Drive

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), a hard drive technology, offers a number of data protection benefits with robust fault tolerant features. The fundamental property of Hard Disk RAID to recover lost data makes it to be the first choice of users and enterprise owners. RAID Drive Benefits There are four primary advantages of RAID… Continue reading Five Significant Levels of RAID Hard Drive