Inventive New Ways For Mechanics To Gain A New Edge

Advertising locally through fliers, phone books, and newspapers can work to some extent, but this is the age of the internet. People are more likely to look up services online than they are to use print media to find what they need. That’s part of why it’s so important to have a good website with… Continue reading Inventive New Ways For Mechanics To Gain A New Edge

How Technological Developments are Propelling Cloud Storage Growth

There is much discussion about the alarming speed that digital data is growing and the technologies available to provide for the storage of that data. But why are we suddenly experiencing such a marked increase in data growth? First, we should differentiate between the two types of data produced. Unstructured data includes files such as… Continue reading How Technological Developments are Propelling Cloud Storage Growth

Why You Need a Mobile Website to Prepare for Web 3.0

Web 2.0 was first coined by a web design consultant named Darcy DiNucci in 1999. She was the first to predict the shift from purely static webpages to user-generated pages on the Internet. The term was shelved until around 2003 when O’Reilly Media and Media Live hosted an informational conference titled “Web 2.0” for entrepreneurs,… Continue reading Why You Need a Mobile Website to Prepare for Web 3.0