Skid Steers: Creature Comforts For Tough Operators

Getting the job done is what you do. Awkward sites, tight spaces, tough deadlines. But there’s a well known saying that it’s better to work smarter than harder. And one way to do that is by having a skid steer cabin that’s designed from the ground up to maximise your productivity.

For better comfort and greater efficiency, we’ve created a checklist of must-have features for your next skid steer.

1. True proven air conditioned pressurised cabin

It’s not exactly a secret that a skid steer kicks up dust and dirt. But you don’t want that in your cabin or your lungs! That’s why it is important to make sure your skid steer is truly pressurised against harsh external conditions. For increased ventilation and effortless cleaning look for a skid steer that has a removable bolt-on top window and easily removable foot well for cleaning after you’ve been in the mud.

2. Air conditioning and heating that just works

It can get pretty hot or cold on your jobsite, so it’s important you stay comfortable with fresh cool or heated air all around your cabin. Look for a skid steer with an air conditioning/heating unit that has plenty of outlets that demists your windows and help control overall cabin temperature. Roof-lined air conditioning units are not ideal as warm or cold air is directed towards the head and shoulders only.

3. Air-ride seat

No buts about it, for all day comfort make sure your skid steer has an air-ride seat. Air suspension adjusts to your weight to stop you around, making your ride smoother. Your back will thank you at the end of your shift.

4. Cabin width for entry and seated working

Access to your skid steer cabin needs to be wide enough so you can easily get in and out. The cabin should be spacious enough so your arms and legs are not dead-locked in a set position. You need to have room to move and stretch to avoid stiffness or numbness in the neck, back or joints. Also, your jobsite will probably have stretches of uneven ground, so check how high your bucket or attachment can get off the ground so that you’re not restricted when exiting the cabin.

5. Cabin switches are roof mounted

Grouped roof mounted cabin switches at eye level equal maximum comfort and ease of use. The overhead panel makes information and switches easy to see and access without the need for bending and stretching. Low side-mounted switches are uncomfortable, awkward and less time efficient. If it’s eye level your choice is easy!

6. Easy access to air-conditioning filters

Keep your cool when you are performing air conditioning maintenance. Easy to access primary and secondary filters make regular maintenance a breeze.

Before you make any large purchase decision it’s important to do your research, and buying a new skid steer is no different.

Use the list above and also put together your own requirements. We encourage you to check all the features of the John Deere skid steer range available from Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia. We know that if you buy one of our skid steers, at the end of the day the job will be done and you’ll still feel fresh enough to enjoy the evening with the family, or even a night out with the boys.