Safe Way to Repair an iPhone Screen

The biggest problem that the iPhone users face is that their iPhone`s screen gets damaged or scratched very easily and make their iPhone looks ugly and un-tidy. Questions that many iPhone user`s ask is whether they can repair or replace their iPhone screen themselves or not? Just to save the cost of service again and again.

In this article we would discuss if it is really possible to repair the iPhone screen without any technical knowledge on your part, since iPhone is a very delicate machine which is not built for harsh and reckless usage. Its touch screen is made of glass which makes it quite common for users to have it cracked.  The easiest option for someone whose iPhone screen has been damaged is to look for a replacement iPhone screen on eBay.

Many of our users have purchased replacements screens from eBay and surprisingly these screens come with all the required parts and equipments you would need to replace your screen yourself. But the question remains, are these good screens?

I have been working in the Mobile repairing business for 15 years, and I can say for sure that the screens sold at eBay these days are not at all reliable and they are more vulnerable to damages even if they are replaced successfully. The tools that you require to carry out the process include Razor blade, screw driver and some other scraping tools, like scissors and tape. All these things can be found easily from your nearest store, and you shouldn`t buy the screen from iPhone just because you get these tools from Free on eBay.

–           In order to successfully replace an iPhone screen, your first step is to turn off the iPhone and remove the Sim Tray.

–           Use the screw driver to remove 2 screws found at the bottom of the iPhone. This will allow the back cover to be removed.

–           Unscrew the battery and remove it along with its connector. Normally the battery is glued, so you might need to put in some strength to pull it up.

–           After that you will have to remove 5 screws, found at the top of the iPhone, which holds the shield in place. You should be careful while removing the shield as it can damage the internal ribbons.

–           In order to replace your screen, you will need to take out the camera as well along with the microphone and speaker.

–           The actual process of putting in the new iPhone screen is actually quite easy, but the removal of most parts make it a tough process as even a slight carelessness can cause severe damage to your iPhone.

–           After placing your screen you have to ensure that you put all the parts firmly in their correct places.

After screwing all the parts, turn the iPhone On and check if everything, camera, speaker, etc are working properly.

Even though the process is quite straight forward it is highly recommended to let the professionals do their work, and bring your iPhone to a professional whenever you need to change the screen, as they have enough experience and skills to perform this task with less risk involved.

Mathieu Louis is an active online blogger. He blogs about everything Apple, including the upcoming iPhone 5s specs, iPad 5, iWatch and any other Apple products. He owns almost all the Apple products and know very much what he is talking about. Follow his blog ( for more info.