Research In Motion Movements

Research in Motion is a telecommunications company that designs, manufactures and markets wireless solutions for global mobile and telecommunications market. Recently Research in Motion has decided it would publicize its secure network to global software companies and governments. With this, iPhones as well as numerous other mobile devices will be able to access the Research in Motion network if for work purposes. Due to this new integration with other mobile devices, Blackberry has found itself on the outside looking in on a market that is growing yet unattainable at the moment.

RIM and Blackberry
Research in Motion has been for many years tied with Blackberry devices. With the gradual surge of the iPhone, the move from Research in Motion encourages consumers to remain with company if it means consumers move away from Blackberry devices. For years, companies were issuing Blackberry devices to their employees, all of which were powered by the Research in Motion mobile space. Now that employees are gravitating towards bringing in their own devices to work, and more importantly moving towards using iPhones, Research in Motion is looking for a way to accommodate the needs to business in the realm of mobile space without forcing a separate product.

This change towards opening up to other devices comes after Research in Motion had a nine percent drop in its stock in the final session. Although still dominant in the workplace, the company has seen some downturn as a result of iPhone and Android devices becoming the household device. Research in Motion is not the only company to notice this shift in mobile device usage and thus the competition has begun to move in that direction as well. This has left Research in Motion no choice but to adapt to the changing times and open up their space to other devices, including the ever growing in popularity tablets.

The Future of Blackberry
Currently approximately 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies are using Blackberry devices but that number is anticipated to drop. Like many other companies, major Fortune 500 companies plan to allow their employees to use devices other than company-issued Blackberry. This has made it possible for Research in Motion to tap into a whole new consumer base, as it has mentioned plans to continue focus on the business customers but also open up to the idea of targeting certain parts of the consumer market, possibly in conjunction with other companies.

After all of this, some may be wondering what is to become of Blackberry, as this shift towards other mobile devices and open networks has left Blackberry without much of a home. Release of the recent quarterly numbers has left Blackberry with few options if it continues to operate in the same manner. Businesses are shifting towards other devices as these devices are the most popular and service both the businessman and the individual. With this in mind, Blackberry has stated that it plans to reinvent the company through corporate options with the possibility of selling the company.

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