Realtor Fan Page Facebook Strategy Explained

Do you wonder how other realtors just like you seem to have all the luck when it comes to getting followers?. It’s not all luck, however. You can be just like Vancouver, WA Realtor Dale Chumbley, if you follow a strategy similar to his. He gained over 6,000 fans in just under two weeks, which is no small feat.

Dale’s Strategy

Dale had a simple idea, and he made it work. On his blog, he started a daily feature where he gave visitors ideas of things to do around Vancouver. In fact, he planned to post one activity per day for a while year. Thus, 365 Things to Do in Vancouver was born. Then, he created the page “365 Things to Do in Vancouver, WA” on Facebook and posted links to his daily tips.

Promotion All Around

The Internet is full of websites that list things to do in any given area, so it makes sense to put a list like this on Facebook. In fact, Dale admits that he didn’t personal invite anyone to like the page–he never had to! He created valuable information that other people would look for. Even though Dale didn’t manually invite people to his new project’s Facebook page, he did link to it from his own timeline, so his existing friends could find it.

Plus, his information catered to the local community. You’d be surprised just how many people look for new things to do in the city where they’ve lived for years. Of course, people who intend to move to a specific location will often search for activities in the surrounding area, and if you can generate this buzz, it will create traffic for your real estate website. This relevant traffic provided Dale with new clients.

Interestingly enough, this type of promotion will gain you traffic to your realtor blog or website without you ever having to talk about those services. It’s an indirect form of advertising that can have big results. When you appear local and genuine, fans are more likely to listen to what you have to say than when you try to sell them something.

However, you can always include a link to your blog. In Dale’s case, he bought a domain that links to the 365 project category on his own blog. You might not purchase a separate domain if you start your own 365 or similar project, but you can link directly to the category or tag page on your website from Facebook.

Taking Tips from Dale

Because Dale’s content was on his own site, he’ll always own the content. If Facebook should delete your page–and the social network always reserves the right to do so–your blog will still exist. You can continue to link to your valuable content from other areas, and people who follow you via RSS can always find you.

When Dale created the valuable service, others wanted to help. You can see how the page took off, and not just with fans. People were posting links to other great things to do in Vancouver, including local venues and event ticket sales. Conversations and interaction are part of what make the Facebook project so successful. Dale picked a topic that everyone in Vancouver could contribute to, and by creating it on Facebook, everyone did!

  • Photo taken from Flick with CC license. Author: marcopako 

Ben Sawyer is in internet marketing for more than half of a decade. Currently he is a Social Media MArketing analyst for , wel known NYC real estate company. Ben establish their online visibility and improve their rankings through social networks , following strategy of Dale Chumbley. Ben summed all of his tips in this article.