Questions to Ask Yourself when Developing Business Software

Coming up with a business application that sells well and truly helps business owners manage their companies is definitely not an easy thing. Not all people can do it and you need to have certain skills and knowledge in this field in order to create a desirable product. Depending on what kind of software you want to focus on, there are various criteria that are going to influence the process. The most common choice of developers is web applications, which include server-side programming. Users should interact with these web applications to communicate effectively with the staff of a business.

In some cases, web applications automate processes that are usually filled with human errors. For instance, instead of hiring a person to take care of business appointments, you can develop a web application that handles this task error-free. Business software can be extremely diverse, so developers have the chance to choose exactly the kind of program they need. Getting creative is part of the process, but before getting started, you should ask yourself these few questions:

Can you make it scalable?

This is the first factor you should consider when the idea of developing business software comes to your head. Can you make it scalable? By scalable, developers mean that the application should be prepared for potential upgrades. Businesses grow every day, and an application must be flexible enough to fit the needs of a business it any given point of its development process. Will your software program be able to scale with the company it is meant for? If not, then the return on investments that you’ll earn will be temporary, as your program will remain behind.

Taking into account that businesses change from one year to another, make sure to develop software that is scalable. Anticipate what features might be essential in the future and assess whether you can handle the change or not. If you skip this step, you’re bound to encounter some frustrations and limitations as a developer. Remember the costs involved in developing an app and think twice before saying that you’ll develop another one when the old one is outdated. Maybe you won’t have the resources to.

Do you have enough time to test it?

Testing might be the most important part of your newly-developed business software program. By skipping this step, you risk having many customers that are not happy with the product you launched because it’s full of glitches, bugs and architecture issues. If you want to plan and build business software correctly, you must test it at each completed step. Keep in mind details such as multiple platform compatibility, performance, and usability. Software security is a sensitive factor, considering that you are developing it for business purposes, so dedicate more of your time to test this matter. The same goes with performance, especially if your program is meant to help medium to big businesses, where the volume of work is increased.

Will it sell well?

When you decide to develop business software, you need to set a clear target audience. As you may know, the software won’t sell if you don’t properly market it. Yet marketing is not the only that is going to influence the way your product sells. People won’t predictably buy a product that doesn’t offer new, innovative features to make them switch their current ways of handling tasks. In fact, companies usually trust software development companies more, because they use viral techniques and they consider exactly the needs of their clients, even though they create less-personalized programs.

When the competition is extreme, you need to stand out from the crowd to sell your product, and doing that in software development can be tricky. Get in the trenches of the market by coming up with features that are going to clearly disrupt it. Check your risk-reward equation when you decide to create your own business software, because your chances of success will definitely be crippled by the competition. You can’t predict what’s going to happen, but you can influence the outcome by coming up with a great product.

Do you have the skills?

Developing software not only requires technical skills but different management skills as well. If you go beyond the technical perception of this matter, you’ll notice that you might need to throw plenty of time and effort into solving complex issues that show up in your path and into meeting all the deadlines that are set to you or that you set yourself. Progress won’t be linear, and you are going to face plenty of obstacles that will reveal the need for certain skills that you may or may not possess. Solving problems that are related to your software product will involve managing each detail carefully.  Most of these skills are managerial ones, so approach the decision of developing business software with wide-open eyes. Otherwise, you might be disappointed with the results and find yourself overwhelmed because of the many tasks you need to handle.

Is a third-party solution more affordable?

Sometimes, opting for a software development company instead of doing it yourself is better. You can read here about the services that these companies offer to their clients. If you own a big company that’s difficult to manage anyway, you can’t risk developing software applications that are not capable of coping with all the needs of the business – it will be a major waste of time and money, considering the fact that building software can be very capital-intensive.

Entrepreneurs that decided to invest in software development found out that the costs were too high for the options they wanted, so most of them choose the services of third-party companies, that can deliver the same result, less personalized, but much cheaper and almost as effective as a personalized one. To develop business software yourself, the costs might be higher than you expect and the return on investments will not be satisfactory enough. Building software of all sorts can be compared to a cash furnace where money goes faster than you ever thought. Third-party solutions can prove to be more affordable in this sense.