Promotional Marketing: From QR Codes To QR Cows?

The QR Code derriving from the abbreviated form of Quick Response Code, is a Matrix Barcode that was initially designed and used in the motor industry. The code was created by a company called Denso Wave, a subsidary of Toyota, in 1994. The original use was to track the manufacturing process, from one step to another, from initial build to completion.

Since it’s creation the popularity of this code has spread outside of ths industry to other key industries, such as the world of marketing. This is due to the ability to access a comparatively large ammount of information, almost instantaneously, from reading the code.

Its not only the marketing world that has seen the benefits of this great tool. Industries that you would never expect in a million years, have not only championed this great little tool, they have found ways to introduce it in their businesses also. in the past couple of months the National Farmers Union have met with technology leaders T-Mobile to brainstorm ideas on how to induct this technology into the world of agricultre. The NFU founded in 1908 is the largest farmers organisation in the UK with over 300 Branch offices.

The final idea to come out of this brainstorming session is that farmers will now spray paint their cows with QR codes to track the cows vital information. The previous way this was done was to tag each of the cattle with chips to identify them. The costs behind this technology was quite high, with the costs of the scanning, catching, and integrating the chip. The new QR solution eliminates almost all costs, all you need is the applicable paint and a smartphone.

T-Mobile have started to develop this system for the National Farmers Union creating a test page that the QR code would link to, showing an image of the cow, and its information, that due to it being on a dynamic webpage, can change when needed.

So to be an example of a 21st century Farmer, I would attend a farmers auction or market as usual, armed with my barcode scanning smart phone. Save time by easily scanning each animal you are interested in, finding out all details without even waiting to talk to farmer. In theory once you have selected your cattle, you could pay the farmer, through your smartphone also. Sending an online payment through an internet transaction service and save so much time.

This seems to be just the tip of the iceberg for integration of new technology in the farming world, with many more ideas in the pipeline, the Farming industry seems to be ploughing its way into the 21st century.

Written by Christopher Smith, enthusiastic writer reasonably new to the world of blogging, learning the ropes of becoming a professional blogger. Works for BTC Group Distributer of Promotional Clothing and Promotional Merchandise, in Hayes Middlesex