New Technologies at Drive for Innovation

Are you interested in knowing more about the new car technologies that are going to be available for consumers in the future? Well, if you think that you can never predict the future you are wrong because innovators today are already working on the future technologies and there are many few places where you can checkout these technologies. Now, UBM and Avnet Express launches Drive for Innovation initiative which is certainly the best place to view some of the best electric technologies and systems available for the future cars. UBM has teamed up with Avnet Express, an operating group of Avnet to bring this initiative to the people.

The Drive for Innovation with UBM and Avnet Express will be a landmark event in itself because it is very different from the other car expos and exhibitions available around the world. Normally, you would see the best cars, but here the focus is more on the technologies used in the cars to make it efficient and environment friendly. This 12 month initiative will have innovators going across the United States and halting at various cities and locations to provide information to the people so that they are aware of the new systems.

The event is also going to attract many consumers, engineers and scientists who will come up to view new electric technologies. Hence, it will be a global platform for the people to come together with experts and share their views and feedbacks. EE Times Editorial Director Brian Fuller will be with the event and will ask questions and take interviews of various experts, engineers, and innovators to resolve the doubts that people have. This cross country event will happen in Chevrolet Volt. The event will also share some inspirational stories and blogs and even interactive content will be available.


Drive for Innovation