Make E-Readers More Functional With These Top Apps

Today’s e-readers have evolved from more than just something to use for reading. With Wi-Fi connectivity and the ability to download apps, these devices are now more like tablets than they are simply electronic reading devices. If you want to make the most out of your next-generation e-reader, here are some apps you can add.

Get Organized with Organizational Apps

Everyone seems to need help with organization today, and organizational apps are a great way to do this. You can keep your calendar and organize your contacts directly on your electronic reading device with tools like Contacts Plus for Nook or calendar apps.

Taking Notes Throughout the Day

Do you ever wish you had a piece of paper you could jot down a note on? Apps like Evernote allow you to keep a virtual piece of paper right on your electronic reading device. Take notes, organize your data and even record voicemail for yourself with this app. You can even use programs like Evernote to keep your shopping list handy.

Keep Your Kids Learning

Learning apps are yet another thing you can download on the latest electronic readers. Your kids can practice spelling, math facts and even watch educational programming from your device with their favorite television characters. Make boring wait times fly by with these apps. One of the best educational apps to add is the Smithsonian Channel for Nook, which has high-resolution video documentaries on just about any topic.

Read the Latest News

Your electronic reading device’s main purpose is to allow you to read, and sometimes you want to read the news. With news apps, like the app from the Wall Street Journal or an app called Express News, you can have the latest news delivered to your reader. To stay up to date, all you have to do is open your app and scan the latest headlines.

Socialize and Network While You Read

With these latest innovations in e-readers, you can now check your favorite social networking sites while taking a break between novels. All you need is the right app to access your Twitter feed or Facebook page. You can even log on to Pinterest from your device. You can even keep track of your professional network with the right apps. With e-readers and the right apps, you can stay connected no matter where your travels take you. Flipboard is an excellent option to keep all of your social networks organized in one simple app.

Have a Little Fun

Not all apps need to serve a purpose. Some are designed just to be fun. Take Drawing Pad, for example. This inexpensive app for the Kindle Fire turns your device into a sketch pad, complete with crayons and paints. You and your kids will enjoy spending time doodling without wasted paper.

With apps like these, the newest generation of e-readers becomes a virtual tablet, yet with the benefits of a dedicated e-reader. For those who are avid readers, this makes them almost more appealing than the tablet. So get yours today, add your favorite books and take the time to download apps to make it as functional as possible.

Joseph is a technology buff with an interest in writing. In his spare time, he enjoys blogging on behalf of Sears and other brands he uses.