Is Your Social Media Focus Undermining Your Business?

This article looks at how businesses could be focussing too much on social media, and whether this is damaging their general business objectives.

What’s the Problem?

Of course, with every man and his dog talking up the potential of social media as a valuable business tool, you would be forgiven for thinking how on Earth could a social focus possibly be hurting your business. And to a degree, you would be right, as social media is quite clearly an exceptionally powerful tool that modern businesses can use in order to grow quickly.

At the same time, having a strong social following does not necessarily mean your business will be a success, and it is on these principles that we have based our argument here.

The problem starts with those very helpful connect buttons that show you are present on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or anywhere else.

Connection Trouble

How often do you see those at the top of a page, dominating the initial view when the content has loaded? This is exactly what we are referring to. Why would what is still an extension of your web offering, important though it may be, hold such a prominent place on your web pages? Should a browser not be taken in immediately by other engaging content, such as a call to action message or contact details?

Presumably the purpose of your website, having done the hard work to attract visitors there in the first place, is to make people buy your product or service? If your primary focus was to get extra subscribers to your social channels, then was there really any purpose to it? Does increased social media traffic on its own pay the bills? No, of course it doesn’t.

It is important to recognise that your website is the primary business tool you have at your disposal, and also the end point for customer interaction. Social media is a great extension for keeping customers up to date and building brand awareness, however it is not the only method at your fingertips and should most certainly never be used individually.

So Should We Not Bother?

There are many who believe that social media is the new SEO. It isn’t, in fact the two are closely linked and their success is perhaps no longer mutually exclusive. At the same time, this does not mean you should be putting all of your eggs into either basket, and certainly should not be making social media popularity the be all and end all of your business plan.

Understand the impacts of social media as well as other marketing ideas, to ensure you have a logical, coherent strategy that works for your business.

Bough SEO is an SEO marketing company based in the UK. The author aims to help businesses understand the role of social media to its way up or down.