Is Your Industry Using Social Media?

Is Your Industry Using Social Media

It seems as if everyone and their business is on the social media bandwagon. There are many good reasons for using social media in order to communicate with customers and meet potential customers. Indeed, social media can be an effective marketing tool if used correctly. However, using social media in certain industries or in certain places can be a double edged sword.

In certain areas of the country, even in the United States, internet reception is at most unreliable. If you live in a very rural area for example, you may not have access to cable TV and your internet service may still be dial up. Perhaps you have a local business and you are wondering if you should hop on the information highway and use social media to promote your business or if you should just continue to advertise using the methods that you have always used.

A good way to find out which road to take is actually to take a look to see what your competitors are doing. For example, if you own one of two cupcake baking businesses in your local community, you might want to check for your competition online. Do they have a social media presence? Are they using Facebook and Twitter to promote their products and their business? Or, do they have a presence on social media, but haven’t posted or submitted a status in quite a while? This is also useful information. This could be because the staff has discovered that using social media simply wasn’t bringing in the customers and therefore wasn’t worth their time.

Business owners in highly regulated industries may have to consider their options before making the leap into social marketing. Industries like healthcare, financial services, and pharmaceuticals have highly regulated rules about advertising and marketing. Even if you wanted to establish a social media marketing campaign for your office, you need to thoroughly check through the rules that govern advertising and marketing.

Expect to jump through a few hoops and hurdles during the process and be prepared to use some creativity in navigating through the roadblocks that can present themselves during the process.

Finally, it is important to set up a detailed policy for your office staff in order to explain the what can and can not be posted. Such a policy will go a long way to diminishing any issues and problems that can arise from using social media as a marketing tool.

If you notice that many in your industry aren’t using social media to market their businesses, you might want to consider why they aren’t. Evaluate the good and bad points of the situation and make an assessment whether you want join the social media bandwagon or simply focus on other marketing activities.

Social media transformed almost every industry, including the free people search and its free people search engines. If you want to find and reconnect with someone, it has never been easier (and guess why) because of Facebook!

1 comment

  1. Social media like facebook is the number 1 way to get people concerned that you are in the market and giving services. No matter what your business is doing if you are not up to date in social media then you might loose a huge portion of market.

    And in sense of competition it is the best place where you can do so and the competition is high in here.

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