Inside The Twisted Mind Of Gilberto Valle

Those who are considering a career in forensic psychology already know that they are going to have to deal with some strange cases. Most believe that they will be able to handle the depravity that they will find, likely since they are not going to have to deal with the actual crime scenes in most cases, only the psychological factors leading to the crime and the state of mind of the suspect after the crime and leading up to an through the trial. Of course, every psychologist’s job is going to be slightly different and take him or her along different paths. Sometimes those paths are going to be very bleak, indeed, and they will take you into the mind of someone so twisted it almost seems unreal. Such is the case with Gilberto Valle, a New York City police officer.

Who is Gilberto Valle and What is His Crime?
Gilberto Valle was one of New York’s Finest, a 28-yr-old married police officer who had been on the force for six years and assigned to the 26th Precinct. As is the case with many who have wicked tendencies, no one saw the darkness residing within him. The plot, which has two co-conspirators, is something that seems as though it came from a horror movie or a crime drama. It certainly doesn’t seem like something that a rational, stable police officer would concoct. However, that’s just what authorities are alleging.

Valle conspired and planned to kidnap, cook, and eat up to 100 women. Those who are investigating the case say that he had a thorough plan and wanted to torture his victims, as well as cannibalize them. Valle faces charges alleging that he came up with the scheme and kept a very organized and detailed database regarding the many potential victims that he wanted to kill and devour. The discussions lasted throughout the summer of 2012 with the other conspirators; little did they know that authorities were monitoring the chat rooms they were using. They arrested Valle in Mid-October.

With a search of Valle’s computer, they found that the plan actually began back in January. It was on that computer that they found files on more than 100 women. Document titles such as “Abducting and Cooking (Victim #1): A Blueprint” seem to be quite incriminating. The information in the plan was quite specific. It talks about the woman’s bra size, the car he would use, how he would kidnap her and what he would do. He went on to talk about this plan in the chat room, and claimed that he knew personally the women that he wanted to kill.

Details of the online chat art actually quite chilling. One of the conspirators asks how large Valle’s oven is, and he responds by saying that it is large enough to fit a girl if he folds her legs. He also talks about how easy it will be to abduct his first victim since he knows her and could show up to her house whenever he chooses. They talk about how they are going to cook the woman, and debate spitting because it would kill her too quickly. They mention putting her in a cage, and then they talk about how much meat they could get off her body.

It’s quite fortunate that these terrible plans of Valle’s never came to fruition and that he was stopped before he could carry them out. Details in this case are still emerging, and it will be interesting to see how the forensic psychologists deal with someone they thought was on their side, and it will be interesting to see just how much of this they believe Valle was willing to carry out.

Anita Schepers provides advice and information on how to get a forensic psychology degree online at