How Wireless Alarm Technology Works

We all know that burglar alarms are an essential way of protecting a home but how many of us know how they actually work? It is possible to look at this issue without getting bogged down in dull, technical language, so let’s give it a try with a look at wireless systems and see if we can keep it nice and simple.

 The Units

A wireless burglar doesn’t have any wires. Ok, so that is pretty obvious but it is also the most important issue we need to look at. As well as meaning there is no messy work needing done on your home it is also one of the factors which mean that it is easy to use one of these systems in a big house and build it up to the size and dimensions you need. The different units communicate with each other using radio signals and it is possible to add on different types of units as well as the standard motion sensors. A top class wireless alarm system can also warn the property owner of floods, fires or even gas leaks. An extra panic alarm can be used too, and this can be, for example, in the form of a key ring.

The Coverage

It is worth pointing out that the way in which a wireless alarm detects intruders isn’t that much different from any other type of alarm system such as a CCTV Security System. However, the fact that the units can be moved around gives the whole affair a far more flexible approach than one which uses wires. This means that it can be adapted easily to changing needs and can even be moved from one property to another when there is a need to do so. Apart from that, they do what you would expect any sort of burglar alarm system to do and let you know when someone is trying to enter your home. Because they don’t use wires they are, of course, not at risk from thieves who cut your electricity supply or many of the other situations which could render a conventional alarm system useless just when you most need it.

The Warnings

Many of the best wireless alarms are of the silent type. The homeowner and the authorities can be notified of events through different methods, like email, phone calls or text messages. For example, a sophisticated system can be programmed to dial a number of pre-typed telephone numbers in the event of an intruder entering the home.

The Setting Up

If the previous points haven’t made it clear enough then now is a good time to point out that the setting up and maintenance of this kind of surveillance system is a lot easier than with a more inflexible, old fashioned kind. Setting it up to cover the area to you want to protect is simple as there are no messy wires or drilling required. After that you just need to keep an eye on it and move the units around whenever you feel the need to change the coverage.


Post written by Cleaning Hero – Commercial Cleaning Solutions.