How to Recover your site from Google penalties?

Due to practicing of Black hat techniques by webmasters to increase ranking of their website in the search engine. Google started penalizing the websites by decreasing their rank, doomed it permanently or deindexed by the search engine. It’s very important for webmasters to follow the guidelines otherwise it will not be easy for webmasters to gain their original position in search engine. Google also launched some automatic updates to penalize the websites. Many SEO services company is updating themselves with the Google updates and trying how to recover from that penalty. As it’s not easy to recover from a penalty, but some developers are developing some Disavowing tool to deny the rules of Google updates.

These are some of the techniques which help us to recover from a penalty

It’s somewhat easy for us to recover from penguin updates than panda updates as penguin updates are new, but panda focuses on the quality of the website many websites lost their ranking because of panda updates. The panda is a domain level penalty before this update the Google used to penalize the content, but now its directly penalizing the domain.

Firstly, you have to know on which factor is Google going to penalize like

  • Poorly designed website
  • Content which is working as a marketing tool
  • Too many useless pages in the website
  • Website with poor grammar/punctuation errors
  • Duplicate content is the main issue
  • Website with too many adversitment
  • Delay in loading pages
  • The use of black hat techniques to improve ranking

You have to do some work on your websites to recover your site from penalty like

  • Don’t use duplicate content
  • Content must be unique
  • Keyword density must be low
  • Avoid posting of little content
  • Correct formatting of content
  • Don’t use too many repetitive words
  • Don’t link your keyword with bad links
  • Use reference link where ever possible, but don’t provide a reference to bad links
  • Use of Disavowing tool will not make your website completely penalize free

How to know whether your website was penalized by update check the dates of Google updates and compare your website details before and after the update. If you find some decrease in ranking of your site than its sure that it was penalized with the updates. So it’s very important for us to have updated information on Google updates. Digital marketing services are always updated with updates because a little mistake will make their website completely banned and it’s not easy for us to gain the same position by putting so much effort also.

Many tools are there which will monitor your website and they will help you in finding out the bad links to your website and it will give you a detailed information about your bad link source. When you get that information try to remove that link and the links which you can’t remove deny them. By following these some of the techniques you can recover your website, but not completely it will take some time for that.