How To Improve Your Tech Resume

As a result of today’s tough economy, the job market is extremely competitive. Since employers often have a vast number of applicants, many of whom are likely overqualified, for any position, they can afford to be quite selective. One thing that most employers look for nowadays is a healthy amount of technical skill and ability. Depending on the job you are going for, it may be required or highly desired that you be able to effectively navigate the online world, develop websites, understand and be able to write in HTML, and perform a variety of other technical tasks. If you are lacking in technical skills, rest assured that there are things you can do to improve your tech resume and increase your chances of landing a job.

You Probably Know More Than You Think
One big mistake people often make when creating their resumes is that they overlook the technical knowledge they already have. Skills or abilities that you may consider basic may not be be true for every applicant. Do not assume something is too simplistic to list. Before you craft your resume, take the time to think about what you bring to the table. Have you received any relevant education, training, or certifications? Are there certain types of hardware or software that you are familiar with or just have a general working knowledge of? How many operating systems have you used in the past? You can also include skills related to networking and protocols, to programming, to various web applications, and more. Monster suggests devoting a whole section of your resume to the abilities and knowledge that you do possess. You can title this section “Technical Summary” or “Technical Expertise.” Whichever title you choose, be sure to cover all your bases and list anything and everything you can do.

Educate Yourself
Most job listings include a section that indicates required or referred skills. Often, this list will include certain technical capabilities you will need for the job. If you see a technical skill that you do not possess, such as the ability to use a certain program, do not panic! There is still time between applying for the position and the interview to do some self-teaching. Many free tutorials are available online and are relevant to the skill you need to learn. A quick internet search will likely lead you to many resources and by the time the interview rolls around, you can feel confident in speaking about your knowledge of your newly acquired skill.

Create a Space on the Web
Sean McPheat of Management Training Specialists advises staking out your own little space on the web. You can do this by creating your own website, blog, or even a social networking profile. While these options may be new to you, many sites will walk you through the process of creating your own internet spot. Even if the website or blog you create isn’t something you plan to use regularly, what’s important is the experience and knowledge you will gain by doing so. If you happen to develop a skill in creating websites, you may have some examples of your work to show to potential employers.

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Anita Devlin recently boosted her technology resume, is now starting her career in logistics and international freight forwarding.