How To Get The Most Out Of Your Apple Technology

Keeping up with the innovations of technology is just about impossible. That’s why I work with a few key strategies to make the most of my Apple gear.

Here are some tips on how to buy the best version of the newest technology, then make some serious cash selling your outdated Apple products.

Original, Skip, Buy

Here’s a rule our family lives by. We get the first generation of something but wait when the new one comes out. Then get the third version.

What we find is the second version isn’t all that different than the first, but the third is much different than the first. Most importantly, we get the new technology when it’s red-hot.

For instance, we got the first generation iPhone. When the new version, 3G, came out, it didn’t offer all that much. For instance, the hardware specs were bumped up slightly and with somewhat faster connection speeds. The biggest upgrade was the GPS tracking technology it offered. For us, we could live without it and wait for the next, more improved version. We skipped it and waited for 3GS. The upgrade from first generation to 3GS was more substantial.

Listen to the Rumors … and Be Patient

Apple is notoriously good at keeping things under wraps and building a frenzy of guesses and hyped-up expectations. It’s good to review the talk as some of the guesses are credible.

For instance, I really wanted a small laptop that I could throw in my bag. However, word on the street was Apple’s iPad was in the making. Of course, we knew very little at the time, other than the fact Apple had a contract with another vendor for many small-sized touch screens.

Just like iPhone 4GS has Siri, it’s a good guess so to will the newest iPad. Since many sources say it will debut in February, I’m going to wait it out, instead of getting the current model.

Know When to Sell … And How to Get the Most for It

The best time to sell your Apple gear is around holidays and before the newest model hits the market. For instance, if iPad 3 is coming out in February, the best time to sell your current iPad is in Nov, right in time for Black Friday.

Instead of sending it back to Apple for points toward your next purchase, sell on eBay for greater returns. Before you sell your iPhone, replace your current screen. It’s easy to do and you’ll get a greater return on investment for it.

Guest Author Byline Michelle Anderson, a guest blogger, regularly writes about technology, including GPS tracking.