The jealousy and doubts emerge in our loved ones mind is something very common nowadays. They fear that their husband/wife or children are cheating on them. Well, if they are an iPhone user you can definitely track their location secretly. The researchers have discovered that Apple devices store the user’s longitude and latitude with date and time stamp. Then it can also copy the data of the user which is really helpful to find the one who stole your iphone.
Now Apple has made it possible for everyone like jealous spouse, detective agencies, to find children. You can have access to all their data and location. This application is more likely called an “unidentified app”. With the GPS Tracking you can find the location of your iPhone friend or loved one. All you have to do is to change some settings for the first time and then you are done.
The researchers also proved that the technical thieves can disable this service. But it only happens when the one stealing it is well aware of all the applications and how to break it. Here are some ways through which you can find the iPhone users you know.
- Go to your settings on Mobile Me.
- You will see the push updates for Mail, contacts, etc. scroll and see the button “Find my iPhone”
- When you will activate it, it enables the “find by iPhone” service on your mobile me account
- The mobile me user can find the iPhone on his/her account and can also view the data
- If you only allow linked mobile me account, no one except for you can find your location or your loved ones location
- Here is a screen shots of how it works:

The locating service offers you:
- You can view the movement of your iPhone user of previous 48 hours
- You can change the setting of permission allowed/ denied for the other iPhone users to locate you
- Blocking others to know your location
- It is a simple registration process
- GPS options also include to reduce the battery
- The simple version allows you to locate 2 iPhone
- If you face any problem you can contact the developers at HELP @ iPHONE-TRACKER.NET
So this is how we locate our iPhone users.
Author bio
Alapati is freelance content writer. He writes on tech, health and general niche. Presently, He is working for cheap car hire in Malta and car rental Miami.