GetResponse vs VerticalResponse

When you are looking to advertise your product, email marketing is the ultimate choice. There is a long row of service providers and some of them are pretty attractive, however we will only discuss GetResponse and VerticalResponse.

GetResponse extends efficient tools for managing and tracking ad-camps, as do VerticalResponse. So, the distinguishing factor between the two is what they do and do not offer. We have pointed out some advantages and disadvantages of both email marketing service providers, so you can decide which is more suitable for you.


Enjoying over 350,000 customers, GetResponse is a giant among minions with award-winning services for the best email marketing service provider. They have all the necessary and advanced features like multi user accounts, inbox preview, social media integration, autoresponders and system of forwarding surveys to your mailing list.

Advantages with GetResponse

There’s a huge list of advantages with GetResponse. Here we go: A 30 day free trial is offered to new customers, the free version is not limited by features like its pro services. You can import contacts from WordPress, Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn and Salesforce and 11 other apps, A convenient calendar with drag and drop system to schedule your email messages.

Issues with photos? we got you covered: A photo library with over 1000+ samples including logos and other pictures which can be easily inserted in emails. Moreover, you can also upload your photos and documents from your computer.

Easy to Use Website: A simple and sleek website with easy to use interface, providing greater level of interactivity. Personalizable Webforms with drag and drop editor, which can be incorporated into your blog, website or Facebook page. Over 500+ emails templates to choose from

Support: Their blog renders very interesting and useful information about learning email marketing. A live pop-up chat window connects you with their sales team for help, guidance, support and disputes. It also offers customizable landing pages with over 100 templates, so you can better introduce yourself to your audience.

Highlights: A time-based and action-based Advanced Autoresponder 2.0 is the latest tool to correspond for you on your behalf. An ‘inbox preview’ option allows you to see your emails as your customers would, so you get a better idea of what you send and refine your contents further. You can send emails according to the local time of your subscribers using Time Traveler feature

Tracking and Analysis: A/B testing system for comparative analysis of your email marketing campaigns. Track your campaign, ROI, autoresponders and segmentations with advanced monitoring tools. GetResponse is the ultimate choice for large businesses due to its dynamic capacity and responsiveness to handle high volume of emails. Deliverability rate as high as 99%.An ‘inbox preview’ option allows you to see your emails as your customers would, so you get a better idea of what you send and refine your contents further

Disadvantages with GetResponse

I find it really hard to pick any disadvantages. However, i noted the following: 1# Customer Services timings are limited by days and hours from Monday-Friday between 9AM-5PM EST, 2# Very strict anti-spam policies, which is beneficial, but some time deprives you from the versatility and usage of some email contents


VerticalResponse without any argument is a quick and apt service. Established in 2001, VerticalResponse has been delivering excellent services to its users. They offer free credit to Non profit organizations 501(c)(3), so if you run a charity program, you should take advantage of this offer. VerticalResponse is good for users who are new to email marketing, small businesses can experiment on this platform and stick to it if they are satisfied with it.

Advantages with VerticalResponse

Here we go: New customers get a free trial period with over 1,000 contacts, 4,000 emails and full access to all the features.

Multiple Autoresponders: Autoresponder not only replies to your subscriber with a preliminary email, but multiple autoresponders can be simultaneously set to send predefined emails to your mailing list

Storage: 25 Mb of online storage to upload your photos and documents

Payment: Flexible payments with Pay as You Go option

Social Media integration: Simple and easy connectivity to social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter), thus giving you a wider circle of audience.

Savings: With annual prepayments you can save up to 30% on VerticalResponse

Success Rate: A 98% deliverability rate

Disadvantages with VerticalResponse

I was able to note the following disadvantages at a quick glance:

1# No Surveys

2# Very limited spam checker, you cannot even obtain a spam score for better optimization of your emails

3# Sales representatives are only available from Monday to Friday for specific business hours.

4# You are limited to only 10,000 subscribers, exceeding which you have to contact sales representatives for a larger custom package

5# For cancellation of your account you have to once again talk to sales team over the phone

6# VerticalResponse places many limits on their bonus features (such as limiting social media follows) until the packages get very expensive


GetResponse extends more features ( ) and can accommodate both small and large businesses. They actively help you make better marketing campaigns to reach out wider viewers with greater response. On the other hand, small business starters may tryout VerticalResponse for. That’s how far we go along with you, now it’s up to you, so choose wisely.