Finding A Facebook Site For Young Kids

Social networks are all around us. Teenagers and adults alike enjoy connecting with others through sites like Facebook but the site really is not geared toward younger children. Younger children want to have the same social interaction as their older siblings and their parents but parents do not want them to be subjected to online predators or content that is all over the web but is not suitable for younger kids. There is now a way for younger kids and parents to compromise. Now there are other sites that are like a Facebook for kids where the security is heightened and parents can view everything they view. There are some things to look for in these sites to make sure that the site will fit all of your needs as well as the needs of your child.

There are some sites that promote themselves to be a secure network but you need to do some fact checking before making your final decision. It is smart to “Google” the site before you sign your child up to make sure that there are no negative reviews as far as the security and that you cannot view any child’s profile on the site without being on their trusted friends list.

Sites that promote a social network for kids should have a way for the parents to see exactly what the child does on the site, without being charged for the feature. Other security features should also include a way for the authorities to track any conversations or associations with anyone who is on a registered offender list so they can arrest the offender and ensure the online safety of your child.

Fun For Your Child
While you are worrying about safety and security on the internet for your child, they want to have fun on their new social network site. They want to play the games that you play and they want to be able to do what you do on Facebook, like status updates, talking with friends and playing games with friends. While you are looking into the site you like for a Facebook for kids, you should look and see how many opportunities they have for your child to have fun. Most of the credible sites will have a healthy combination of ways for your child to have fun while learning and just have fun. Fun games like Angry Birds and Spongebob should be mixed in with other games that help your child to learn their ABC’s and 123’s.

When you find that perfect social networking site for your child that incorporates a healthy mix of fun and education as well as socialization and security, you have found the perfect compromise in the social networking conflict between parents and children.

Kids Social Network is a safe social networking website for young children. It is fun and entertaining like Facebook, yet it provides a secure environment for kids to connect with others.