Eleven 2 Hosting: Types of Web Hosting to Suit Your Requirements

Every website or blog found on the internet always starts with hosting. Hosting can be a vicious beast that holds plenty variables that defeat everybody. Even developers with lots of knowledge are no exception.

In this article, you will learn about the differences of various hosting types for you to be able to know what web hosting you will choose. Let’s go ahead!

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is where people have their website stored. To understand it better, imagine your house. Obviously, it has your furniture, clothing, kitchen utensils, and whatnot. However, in web hosting, you store computer files such as HTML, images, documents, videos, etc. The term ‘web hosting’ service refers to a company that rent their servers to store someone’s website for it to be successfully launched online, thus giving other computers the access to your website’s content.

Types of Web Hosting

There are generally four different forms of hosting. They may all have the same function as a storage centre for your website, but they differ in:

  • Technical knowledge requirement
  • Storage capacity
  • Server speed
  • Control
  • Reliability

The four types of web hosting are:

  • Shared
  • VPS
  • Dedicated Server Hosting
  • Cloud

Shared Hosting

This is also referred to as the cheapest as well as the best for beginners. Even though this is a less expensive idea, it is not entirely advantageous. One’s website is included on the same server together with many other sites. All domains share a common pool of server resources. These are the RAM and the CPU. This is also accepted as an entry level of hosting option because it needs minimum technical knowledge. Its disadvantages include:

  • Lacks root access
  • Limited capacity to manage high traffic levels
  • Being affected by those that are using the same server


It stands for Virtual Private Server. It is the most well-known service for upgrades. It comes with the best equilibrium too. It is still set in a shared environment, however. Its disadvantages include:

  • Still has limited ability to control high traffic levels
  • Performance of your site can still be affected by other sites that are using the server

Dedicated Hosting

This can be applicable if your site exceeds 100,000 visits per month. It offers limitless ability to control traffic spikes.  Also, it offers maximum control over a web server where a website of yours is stored. In other words, you are exclusively renting a server. Its disadvantages include:

  • Great cost
  • Recommended to those who need maximum control as well as a better server performance

Cloud Hosting

A team of servers also called as ‘cloud’ will work together to host a group of websites. Because of this, multiple computers work together to handle traffic spikes for a website. Its disadvantages include:

  • Usually do not come with root access
  • High cost

If you are getting indecisive, it is highly recommended for you to choose eleven 2 hosting, a high rated host. You can take a look and examine it yourself.