Apple iPad’s Flipboard Application

Apple iPad Flipboard Application

All kinds of website content gets bigger and bigger every passing day. All kinds of news and information overload can be consumed differently on my iPad, iPhone or computer everyday.  There is always something new in areas concerning blogs, social sites and new streaming video. It can definitely be a media overload for some.  For this reason, I have found a way to pull together all my website media into one place. That’s why the Flipboard application was created. It grabs information that you would prefer to see and stores it in one place. The way Flipboard was created makes it interesting and very easy to use.

Many people who follow this type of media  (and read my reviews) can have several accounts they have to keep up with on a daily basis. I have mass amounts of accounts that I have to keep up with like my Flickr account, Facebook and Twitter accounts and a Linkedin account and all of them get checked multiple times throughout the day. I also read up on many different blogs and check a lot of websites as well.  A lot of these accounts Flipboard will access and collect information on based on my preferences. You can view the information much like you would view a magazine. You have formats that are fit onto larger scale articles with added pictures down to really small ones that can be read on Twitter. It does all of the picking and choosing on its own so you never know what will pop-up. Its always different.

You can add your different personal accounts to the two small boxes that show up when you first start-up the application . You will prompted to enter your personal information for your varying accounts. You are set up to be added to these different accounts. It can take up to 5 days for your submissions to be completed. When they have finalized, you will be emailed confirmation information. Then you can view each of your accounts to your hearts content. You will have access to the main pages of Facebook but will not have access to the add-on pages and games, including Farmville.

Flipboard is especially in depth with their Twitter detail. You get to look at the pictures along with the text instead of being directed to another link. If you are reading up on something that contains a separate HTML for more information, it will show below the original Twitter article. . It’s really a great way to stay on top of what’s going on. You also have optional boxes where you can put unique sites that you would be interested in accessing on the application. You can have completely different lists if you prefer for things like work or just family. You can access this only through a list, so they’re nice to have handy.

Different streams can be put on your Flipboard just like an electronic periodical.  You will have some help with picking your content from the application itself. They have many things to pick from including E! Online, Wired and USA Today.

Even though Flipboard allows you access to many things, it’s still sometimes hard to get the sites you want. I have an RSS Reader that still allows me to have more choices than the application does. It won’t format unique material and it doesn’t include popular ones like Flickr or Lindekin, which I use quite often. I believe t would be nicer to have a lot of variety on how much content you are allowed to have. You can add up to nine things on the current application. Just my Twitter lists add up to the limit we’re allowed to have, which is really frustrating for me.

Don’t get me wrong, for what the application does, it’s a good app. I like checking up on both my Facebook and Twitter info using Flipboard. It would be close to perfection if they raised the amount of available sources we could pick from.