5 Tools Enterprises Should Be Looking At

Enterprises are faced with a myriad of challenges in the dynamic global economy. Large-scale business activity with multiple verticals and horizontals requires powerful tools, systems, and resources to ensure transparency, accessibility, and accuracy of data dissemination. The range of tools that are now available to enterprises allow for innovation management, event management, monitoring, business intelligence, project management, workflow and service desk, network and systems configuration management, et al.

Enterprises acting as for-profit businesses and large-scale entrepreneurial ventures encompass many types of business structures including sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, LLCs, and professional limited liability companies among others. These corporations require efficiency of operations, profit maximization, and maximum leverage from scarce resources. To succeed in a modern economy, enterprises should be receptive to adaptive behaviour.

#1 – Qmarkets Innovation Management

Innovation is something that business enterprises cannot do without. The concept of innovation management is particularly alluring, given that companies are their own best friends, or worst enemies, depending on how they utilize their human resources. The challenge with old idea management systems is that they are not user-friendly, not responsive, and not transparent. The concept of an idea box at a company for employees to add valuable feedback does not offer the requisite engagement, feedback, and synergy that is needed in enterprises. By being able to transform ideas into measurable results, for most every business challenge, enterprises can truly capitalise on their greatest asset – their human resources.

Qmarkets is one of the leading providers of enterprise-level idea management software. With over 159,845+ strategic business challenge campaigns to its credit, and 516,412+ successfully implemented business ideas, the Qmarkets innovation management software system is rapidly becoming the industry standard. Disruptive innovation methodology has been adopted by major companies like Philip Morris International, Henry Schein, TEVA, Unicredit, Liberty Mutual, NHS, Grant Thornton, SwissPost and scores of others. This solution is innovative software that encourages and rewards employee participation in idea generation.

#2 – Replicon Enterprise Time Management Solutions

For large-scale enterprises with multiple locations and worldwide ERP deployments, back-end systems are needed to effectively manage enterprise time. Unfortunately, many businesses spend far too much money with tracking features with ERP deployments. The challenges associated with mobile workforces place tremendous cost constraints on companies. Fortunately, there are multiple software platforms with advanced functionality that are fully scalable, customizable, and agile enough to meet the exigencies of global enterprises.

These help to gain maximum leverage from ERP investments, while delivering strong returns on investment. Enterprise-level time management solutions allow for local admin and global management. These new-age systems allow for return on investment within months, and not years like conventional systems. Yet another benefit of time management solutions by Replicon are no time intensive change requests, and easy configuration alongside existing ERP systems.

#3 – Data Visualization with Qlik

Data visualization is an issue that many enterprises struggle with. The problem with a majority of BI vendors is that they are reliant on analysis that is query based. This linear-style model is not conducive to large-scale, dynamic activity. With the Qlik Associative engine, enterprises can combine inputs from multiple data sources and instantly deliver powerful insights. Widespread analytics are now available through multiple cloud platforms, offering maximum scalability, enhanced flexibility, and powerful governance.

The tools include embedded analytics with no blind spots. The associative engine improves data literacy and is geared towards users of all skill levels. By synergizing data from multiple sources, this data visualization software provides instant insights in any direction. Among the many benefits include multi-device collaboration, creation, and exploration, interactive analyses, and better decision-making processes. The unified hub and secure collaboration features ensure that all data can be shared instantly.

#4 – IBM Watson Analytics

It’s all about getting the right data in double-quick time. With IBM Watson Analytics, enterprises can utilize smart data analysis and visualization services from the cloud to understand data much better. The power of the IBM Watson Analytics is evident in its ease-of-use. Users can easily discover important business relationships and then test the correlations between them. With predictive analytics, smart data discovery, and cognitive functionality, IBM Watson Analytics allows businesses to easily interact with data.

Most businesses already have the information they need – they simply need a way to put it all together and make sense of it. Watson Analytics does precisely that. Watson Analytics is geared towards helping business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs understand how data is correlated, and can be used to deliver powerful solutions. Instead of using spreadsheets to figure out trends and then validate assumptions, this software allows enterprises to update data into a cloud, and then all hidden trends and patterns are automatically uncovered by IBM Watson Analytics.

#5 – Einstein Analytics Predictive Analytics for Forecasting Purposes

Enterprises understand all too well about the power of sales analytics. Einstein Analytics provides data driven actionable insights and solutions for businesses across the board. By understanding aspects of the pipeline, and business growth prospects, powerful sales analytics software can be implemented for sales teams.

This naturally lends itself to actionable insights where sales reps can use a myriad of features to find new sales opportunities and track performance of existing clients and systems. The solution provided by Einstein Analytics is available on all devices, and can easily be modified and shared across the web. By understanding digital analytics, problems can easily be diagnosed and solutions found. The Einstein Analytics platform provides a 360° perspective on business, customers, and data.