5 Mobile Advertising Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

You know you have to do it. You’ve read the statistics. You know that more Internet searches are now conducted on smartphones than desktop computers. Face it — mobile advertising is the future, say media marketing experts like Jeff Kamikow. If you are new to the idea of mobile advertising or already gotten your feet wet, there are some mistakes you can’t afford to make. Here are the top 5.

1. The “No Strategy” Strategy

Maybe you’re so eager to get in on mobile advertising bandwagon that you’re tempted to jump right in. Don’t. Like any other advertising campaign, you have to make a plan. Establish your goals. What do you want to happen? Are you looking for higher click-thru rates? Do you expect more phone calls? How will you measure success? Your goals must be specific, measurable and, most of all, realistic. Remain patient and give your marketing campaign time to work before moving on.

2. But, It Works Great on My Desktop

Yes, it probably does work great on your desktop. That doesn’t mean it will work or look great on a mobile device. Desktops and smartphones are two very different animals. Even the user experience is different.

Because of the smaller screen size and different functionality of most devices, you have to cut to the chase for mobile users. Focus on what’s important: How you can help the customer, your location and contact information. Make sure the most important information is at the top of the screen so users see it without having to scroll or swipe.

3. Missing the Target

Do you know who your customers are? Do you know how they prefer to communicate? What customer needs do you meet? Like any other marketing campaign, mobile advertising only works if you target the people who need your product or service. Targeting parameters can include location, device type, specific demographics or other factors. Targeting your audience allows you to give mobile users a more personalized experience, which is what they have come to expect.

4  Ignoring Your Base

Think of mobile advertising as a give and take. Taking care of the customers you already have is one of the best ways to keep them coming back. Your customer base needs to feel special, not baggage tossed away in the hunt for new customers. When your base communicates, respond. Treat them as valuable parts of your mobile “family.” Ask permission before collecting personal information and protect it once you have it. Build trust.

5. Where is Everybody?

You have a website that looks great on mobile devices and you had a custom app made. People downloaded the app, but for some reason, they don’t use it much. What’s wrong? Could it be that customers don’t need to come back? The only reason people keep using an app is if there is some kind of value in it for them. Design your app with your customer in mind. Build-in mechanisms that keep users engaged. Perhaps you could offer savings to exclusively to app users. Update users on sales and new products. Ask for feedback on how to make the app more appealing. Don’t forget to listen.