3 Ways Twitter Has Revolutionized Business

Twitter provides a 140-character platform that has revolutionized the dynamic of business and customer relationships. It began as a side project for a young executive at podcasting company Odeo, but has blossomed into a billion dollar industry. Twitter is estimated to generate over 340 million tweets each day. With that kind of star power, it is no wonder that businesses use this technology to help develop brands. Today, companies are able to buy Twitter followers to expand their marketing reach. With more followers, innovative campaigns end up trending to millions of Twitter watchers making this social networking site a real force in the business world.

Mobile Promotions

The short 140-character bursts of information have given businesses a mobile platform for customer communication. Twitter provides a way to maintain contact via smartphones and other mobile devices in real-time. If a woman gets a tweet about a big sale in the middle of the workday, she can stop at the store on the way home. A student walking to class might get a heads up about a new video game pre-release that he would have missed in the old days. Discount-happy consumers get daily notices of deals no matter what they are doing.


Twitter is a real-time communication tool that has many uses. Stock trading companies can suggest time sensitive investment opportunities to specific clients via direct messaging or tweets. Farmers use Twitter to discuss weather issues or trade prices. Truckers can notify colleagues of traffic tie-ups that may clog their schedules. Twitter is a fast way to get the word out to customers or peers about any subject.


The search tool on Twitter provides a way for businesses to monitor conversations. This is a two-fold bonus. Companies can use searches to get leads. For example, an auto dealership could search for people in their area talking about buying a car. A contractor might pick a lead when a homeowner is asking about installing new windows.

The search box is a tool to put out potential fires, as well. Companies can query their name or brand and see what the discussions tell them. Twitter opens a communication line to anyone complaining about a service or product that might not actually contact the company. A customer service agent can reply to the tweet to diffuse the situation.

Businesses are using Twitter in just about every aspect these days. They can offer discounts available only to their followers or use the site as a customer relations tool with access to real-time communication. Companies that buy Twitter followers improve the odds of getting retweets and appearing in organic searches. The Twitter effect has proven to be a phenomena in the business world.

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Patrick Whalen is a part of an elite team of writers who have contributed to hundreds of blogs and news sites. Follow him @2patwhalen.