3 Essential Photography Tips For Beginners

Photography has always been a crucial part of everyone’s life, whether you know how to click or not! Those who do not know how to click, care about getting themselves clicked too often. So, technically everyone is connected with photography in some or the other way.

There are some of the great works that are displayed on the internet. If you love to click and find yourself on a verge of doing something in this field only, then we would recommend you to look for some well known and highly appreciated photographer’s gallery on the internet to develop more concise knowledge on your favorite subject. For instance if you are fond of clicking pictures of god’s own beauty, “Nature”, then  browsing through Australian Landscape Photography by Ricardo Da Cunha on the internet will help you develop your own conscious a lot.

In this article, we’ll try to give you 3 basic and most essential tips that will help you develop your photography skills, especially of you are a beginner and looking for a startup.

3 Most Essential Photography Tips 

1. Choose Correct Setting: If you own a camera you must be aware of different settings and selections you can use to enhance your images and clicks. The more expensive camera you have, the more advanced features you will have. Beginners usually do not have any idea of using most of features, that can actually help them get some great snapshots. Let’s begin by explaining you some basic, but very important features of a camera that you can use to bring life in your pictures.

a.)  Auto Mode: This is the most easy mode to operate in a camera. It actually determines the speed of the shutter, ISO , flash and white balance for you. All you have to do is select the auto-mode feature and start clicking your images. The light and speed will be automatically adjusted according to the environment.

b) Portrait Mode: It is fairly simple to use. In this mode the camera automatically detects the target and focus on one object. 

c) Macro Mode: This is majorly used for clicking up close objects such as a faces, flowers etc.

d) Landscape Mode: Select this mode when you wish to capture a whole scene, without any significant focus. Use this option while capturing nature’s beauty, a party scene and so on.

e) Freeze Mode: The function of freeze-mode is to freeze an object during the capturing process.

f) Night Mode: This mode is basically used for situations when you don’t get enough light, like night or evening time.

g) Manual-semi automatic: In this mode you will have to set up all the functions and features manually according to the situation.

 2. Maintain the Focus: A focus of the camera is dependent upon the “Rule Of Thirds”, which is a basic principle of photography. This principle was developed for well balanced photos. By placing your focus on the points of interest at the intersection of the lines the photo will seem natural and well-balanced. 

3. Take The Shot: “Camera shake” is the most common problem of photographers while taking the shot. As a result, the pictures get blurred. To avoid it you can lean on a solid base or use a camera stand, as most of the professionals do to get accurate pictures. Another trick is to deep a long breath, exhale and hold it until you are done with the click.

If you are looking forward to gain in-depth knowledge of photography, then prefer joining photography course offered by professional photographer. No one else, other than an active photographer will be able to teach you well. You can also visit exhibitions, auctions and internet sites to see some of the gre4at photography works such as Australian Landscape Photography by Ricardo Da Cunha. These will help you a lot in building your own style and widening your imagination.